Generous Consumer Protection

The 3 Biggest Mistakes People Make When A Loved One Is Hospitalized After An Accident 

(And How To Avoid Them)

  • Has a loved one recently been hospitalized after being injured in a slip and fall accident, auto accident, or other type of accident that wasn’t their fault?
  • Are you worried about how you’re going to get the best medical care for the injuries your loved one suffered?
  • Are you worried about who is going to pay for the medical bills and whether or not your family could face a financial catastrophe?

If you answered “Yes” to the questions above, this may be the most important article you read this year.

The days and weeks after an accident that seriously injures a loved one are almost always overwhelming.

You are likely dealing with all of the anxious thoughts that occur during such a time.

You’re also probably starting to have anxious thoughts about the long-term repercussions of dealing with the serious injuries suffered by your loved one.

These concerns are all natural. 

It’s important that you don’t judge yourself for having these types of thoughts.

Unfortunately, the insurance company representing the person or business at fault in the accident is going to do everything they can to avoid paying you or your family as much as you need and deserve.

And, there are a few common mistakes made by the family members of a person who has been seriously injured in an accident that make it much easier for the insurance company to avoid paying your family as much as you need and deserve.

These mistakes can result in the following issues:

  • Not getting the best medical treatment for the injuries from the accident
  • Not being able to pay the medical bills associated with treating the injuries from the accident
  • Potentially even going bankrupt and/or losing one’s house

In the next minute or so, you’re going to learn what these mistakes are and, more importantly, how to avoid them.

Mistake #1 – Not Speaking To Witnesses Before The Insurance Company Does

The people who witnessed the accident are essential to making the strongest case possible – a case that ensures the most compensation possible.

For two reasons, it is extremely important to get testimony from these witnesses as soon as possible.

First, their memory of the incident will fade over time, reducing the credibility of their testimony.

Second, the insurance company is going to send adjusters to speak with these people as soon as they can.

These interactions often result in subtle changes to the witness’s memory of the event.

And, as you probably guessed, these changes in memory are almost always in favor of the person or business at fault for the accident.

Mistake #2 – Talking To The Insurance Company

You will probably be asked to speak with a representative from the insurance company for the person or organization at fault in the accident.

It’s extremely important that you DO NOT talk with the insurance company until you’ve spoken with an attorney.

(We’ll discuss how to select the best law firm in a moment.)

Although they will likely sound very nice, they have one primary responsibility: to pay out as little as possible.

Even a simple question like, “How is your loved one doing?” can be used to build a case for why your loved one’s injuries are not that serious and don’t require compensation.

If you’ve already spoken with the insurance company, you should avoid speaking to them again until after you’ve spoken with an attorney.

Mistake #3 – Not Getting Help From Experts Who Are Highly Experienced In Serious Injury Cases

As soon as you can, you should also get help from a law firm that is highly experienced in serving families with a loved one who has been seriously injured.  

There are many ways such a law firm can be of help, and this help costs nothing out of pocket.

However, it’s very important that you choose the right law firm.

(We’ll share some guidance on how to do that in just a minute.)

For now, here are the 2 most important ways that the right law firm can help.

  • Getting The Best Medical Care

The best serious injury law firms have doctors on their staff. 

These doctors can be great advocates for you and your loved one.

They can be extremely helpful for ensuring that your loved one receives the best medical care possible.

  • Getting Medical Bills Paid For and Making The Best Case Possible For Maximum Compensation

In addition to having doctors on staff, the best serious injury law firms also have engineers on staff.

These firms can have their engineers on scene within minutes to gather the evidence necessary to make the best case possible for why your family should receive maximum compensation.

They also have expert interviewers to collect testimony from witnesses.

They can have their interviewers talking to witnesses before the insurance company speaks with them, which is key to making the best case possible.

By having their own doctors, engineers, and interviewers on staff, the best serious injury law firms are much better able to win multi-million-dollar settlements and verdicts that ensure your family will be secure financially.

How To Get A Free Consultation With A Law Firm That Is Highly Experienced In Serious Injury Cases

Would you like to have a free consultation with a highly-experienced serious injury law firm that can help you realize the benefits mentioned above?

We have a nationwide network of top-rated serious injury law firms who would be happy to help you.

To schedule a free consultation with one of our partner law firms and immediately get help from them, just tap the button below.

Once you speak with one of our partner law firms, they can immediately start helping you with the following:

  • Taking care of as many legal and medical issues as possible to reduce your stress and increase your peace of mind
  • Serving you and your family with empathy and compassion 
  • Getting their team of doctors to help your loved one get the best medical care and help make the best case possible for why your family should receive maximum compensation
  • Getting their team of engineers to collect crucial evidence within minutes
  • Getting their team of expert interviewers to collect testimony from essential witnesses in a matter of minutes
  • Building a case for why your family should receive a multi-million-dollar settlement

To schedule a free consultation with one of our partner law firms and immediately get help from them, just tap the button below.