Why Many Bedsore Victims Are Receiving Significant Compensation

Have you or a loved one suffered from a bedsore while in a nursing home or skilled care facility?
If so, you may be eligible for significant compensation.
Below, you can learn more and complete our 60-second evaluation to see if your case qualifies.
Bedsores at Nursing Homes and Skilled Care Facilities
Leaving a family member in the care of strangers, like in a nursing home or skilled care facility, can be very stressful.
We trust these places and the people who work there to take good care of our loved ones. Most of the time, they do a great job. But sometimes things go wrong and are not like we expected.
Our loved ones might be too sick to speak up for themselves or feel ashamed to complain to us about being neglected or abused.
It’s important for families to stay involved to make sure their loved ones get the best care and to watch out for any red flags or problems, like neglect or abuse.
One of the more obvious red flags or warning signs of elder abuse or neglect is the presence of bed sores.
Bed sores, also known as pressure sores, are skin ulcers that can sometimes go down to the bone. They can be very painful and, once established, difficult to treat and cure.
If untreated, a bedsore can progress from a small, irritated, but unbroken skin patch to a potentially life-threatening wound involving extensive tissue death and infection.
If people in nursing homes or skilled care facilities stay in bed or sit in a chair for long periods of time without being moved by a nurse or caregiver, they can get bedsores on their hips, feet, joints, and back, where their bones press against their skin.
Because of their age and other underlying conditions, elderly people are at a higher risk of developing bedsores if they are not being cared for properly.
If left untreated, bedsores can cause infection, hospitalization, and even death.
What many people don’t know is that bedsores can be avoided and are easily preventable with reasonable care.
If a patient or resident has an egg crate mattress pad and is properly turned on a regular basis, bedsores should not happen.
It’s important to speak to a consumer advocate and file a complaint if you or a loved one developed bedsores while in a nursing home or skilled care facility.
Bedsore Lawsuits
Nursing homes, skilled care, and assisted living facilities are often understaffed.
Because of this, nursing home residents and skilled care facilities’s patients are at a higher risk of being neglected.
This puts people being cared for at a nursing home or skilled care facility at a higher risk of developing bedsores due to inadequate staffing and a lack of care by overworked health care providers.
Companies that own these types of facilities often understaff or cut staff to save money on wages and make more profit.
Not having enough staff and inadequate training leads to lower-quality care and nurses or healthcare workers neglect to reposition patients so they don’t develop bedsores.
On top of that, poor nutrition, a lack of hydration and unsanitary conditions greatly increase the likelihood of a nursing home resident or skilled care patient developing bedsores.
Bedsores are signs that patients or residents of these types of facilities may not be getting the proper care they need and deserve.
Bedsores are dangerous and can lead to serious infections, loss of limbs, and even death.
Anyone who has developed bedsores while at a nursing home or skilled care facility has the right to file a complaint and get the right care and treatment they need to heal.
Filing a complaint helps prevent future abuse and holds negligent facilities accountable.
Lawsuits are currently being filed to help victims and their families be compensated for the injuries they have suffered.
Anyone whose loved one has suffered from bedsores may be eligible for significant compensation.
Although we know that significant compensation can’t heal suffering, it can help reduce financial stress and get your loved one the care they deserve.
Just tap below to learn more and take a 60-second assessment to see if your case qualifies.
What To Do Next
If you or a loved one developed a bedsore while at a nursing home or skilled care facility, you must speak with an attorney as soon as possible.
In most states, the statute of limitations for these types of injuries is short.
But you shouldn’t just contact any law firm that claims to handle Bedsore lawsuits. It’s important that you get help from a law firm that is highly experienced in Bedsore lawsuits and has a team of experts to help you.
How To Get A Free Consultation With Law Firms That Are Highly Experienced In Bedsore Injury Claims
Would you like to get a free consultation with a law firm that is highly experienced in Bedsore lawsuits?
We have a nationwide network of highly-rated attorneys who would be happy to help you.
To get a free case review and see if you qualify for a free consultation with one of our partner law firms, just tap the button below.
Once you speak with one of our partner law firms, they can immediately start helping you with the following:
- Serving you and your family with empathy and compassion
- Building a case for why you or your family should receive significant compensation
- Taking care of as many legal and medical issues as possible so you can reduce your stress and focus on healing
To get a free case review and see if you qualify for a free consultation with one of our partner law firms, just tap the button below.