Generous Consumer Protection

How Get Maximum Compensation For An Accident In Missouri

Have you been injured in a motor vehicle accident that wasn’t your fault?

Have you avoided calling a lawyer?

If so, you’re not alone.

In this article, you’ll learn the following:

  1. Why people often don’t call a lawyer after an accident
  2. How to tell how much your case could be worth without having to call a lawyer (you can click/tap the button below at any time to get that information)
  3. How Working With A Lawyer Turned A $5,000 Claim Into $2 Million+
  4. How to get help from a trustworthy, top-rated lawyer in our network who doesn’t get paid unless you get paid

    Why People Don’t Call A Lawyer After Being Injured In An Accident

    Many people who are injured in accidents don’t call a lawyer.  

    There are a few main reasons for this.

    Some people worry that they don’t have a valid claim.

    Some people don’t think they can’t find a lawyer they can trust.

    The biggest reason is that claims adjusters are often very nice and are experts at developing relationships and making victims feel like they are on their side.

    After earning the victim’s trust, claims adjusters often tell people that working with a lawyer will actually lower their settlement amount.

    But the primary job of a claims adjuster is to keep costs low for the insurance company by ensuring that injured people get the smallest amount of money possible.

    A claims adjuster is NOT your friend.

    The idea that working with a lawyer could lower your settlement amount is false. 

    In fact, it’s the exact opposite!

    A survey by the legal encyclopedia Nolo found that, on average, people who hired an injury lawyer received more than 4 times as much in compensation than people who handled their personal injury case on their own.

    And, almost all injury attorneys work on a contingency basis.

    That means it costs you nothing out of pocket to work with a lawyer.  They don’t get paid unless you win your case.

    How Working With A Lawyer Turned A $5,000 Claim Into $2 Million+

    As an example of what’s possible, let’s explore a recent case from Colorado.

    A man had a couple herniated discs after a car accident.

    At first, he didn’t think it was worth it to call a lawyer.

    The claims adjuster was very nice and offered a few thousand dollars.

    However, the man ended up having to close his massage business and realized that the accident had dramatically changed his life, so he finally called a lawyer.

    Thanks to some great arguments made by the lawyers, he ended up winning 2 million dollars!

    How To Find Out How Much Your Case Could Be Worth and How Long It Could Take To Be Compensated for FREE

    If you’d like help understanding what your case could be worth, we’ve created a free app to help you.

    By answering a few simple questions, in about 30 seconds, this app will help you do 3 important things:

    1) You can find out how much money your case could be worth.

    2) You can find out how long it would likely take to get paid.

    3) If you want, the app will even connect you with a top-rated lawyer in your area – who only gets paid if you win – to help you get maximum compensation.

    Just tap below to complete a 30-second survey to see what your case could be worth.