How People Burned By Exploding Pressure Cookers Are Winning Major Cash Settlements (Some As High As 6 Figures)

- Were you burned by a pressure cooker?
- Have you avoided contacting an attorney because you thought it was normal for burns to occur when using one of these devices?
- Has an attorney told you that your case isn’t strong enough to pursue a lawsuit?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, this article will likely be the most important thing you read today.
Why Are Pressure Cookers So Dangerous?
Unfortunately, many pressure cookers are made with serious design flaws that can lead to severe malfunctions.
These malfunctions can cause steam and hot food to be ejected, burning anyone near the device.
The 3 most common ways these burns occur are:
- The device doesn’t lock the lid properly (although it seems locked), and the user is able to take the lid off before the pressure has been released.
- The device indicates that all the pressure has been released, when in fact the release valve was clogged and the pressure was not fully released.
- The device explodes at some point during use.
Injuries from a pressure cooker explosion can cause long-term, or sometimes permanent, damage from 2nd and 3rd degree burns.
Some of the victims of pressure cooker malfunctions have suffered extremely serious injuries, including some of these recent examples:
- A woman was blinded in her left eye by a piece of metal that hit her in the face after her pressure cooker exploded.
- A 2 year-old and her nanny were both badly burned when their pressure cooker exploded as the nanny made dinner.
- A 2 year-old had to have one of her legs amputated after the explosion from her grandmother’s pressure cooker burned over 60% of her body.
Why Pressure Cooker Lawsuits Are So Important
There are two, very important reasons to consider filing a lawsuit:
- You could be entitled to significant financial compensation for the injuries and/or scarring you have suffered.
- Your case is a VERY IMPORTANT part of forcing the companies who make these devices to make them safer.
Your lawsuit could help prevent another person, maybe even someone you love, from being seriously injured or maimed.
Get A FREE Case Review To Find Out If You’re Eligible For A Major Cash Settlement
If you’ve been burned by an exploding pressure cooker, you might be eligible for a major cash settlement, and you could help make these devices safer.
To see if you qualify, just take our 60-second qualification eval.
How We Can Help
Our partner attorneys have represented hundreds of clients who have been severely burned by malfunctioning pressure cookers.
They understand that you have been through a traumatic experience, and approach each case with care, compassion, and commitment.
The suits filed by our partner attorneys against pressure cooker manufacturers have already resulted in improvements in the safety of a number of those devices.
Our partner advocates and attorneys have also received the following accolades.